Friday, May 20, 2005


karma is having its way with me.
the tarot seems playfully sarcastic lately. i ask, on what single thing shall i focus my concentration? answer; the world.
next, how shall i attain stability? answer; the star.
the star, just when im attempting to get down to earth. i suppose anyone could have seen that coming.
the world. i am crafting a world in my own image right now. i tell you, you mention you are writing a book and people look at you with sort of polite disinterest, but its the most fascinating process ever. i feel kind of dumb that i never attempted such a thing before. i love books more than almost anything. i like writing quite a lot also. we shall see if love is enough, i guess. i feel reasonably confident about it. because even though its shlocky and none too graceful yet, i think it shows promise. all 6 pages of it.
the trouble with a book is my short attention span. i like to write things which are short, but poignant. like this haiku:

fragment of rainbow
sunshot raindrop pillar stands
supporting heaven

which was inspired by a thing i saw walking home in the rain after swimming with the guides one evening at sunset .
now, as i have said, this blog has nearly replaced journalling for me, which is both a good and a bad thing. i have several books full of stuff which was written with no intention whatever of sharing. it was excellent to be able to write in secret and purely express things in a raw form. however we all must come out of our shells at some point and so now i present my thoughts for the amusement of all and sundry. all are welcome, of course, to reply.
i have only today come across a comment to a post of about 2 weeks ago. from someone i would not have expected to see around here, who has been too good to talk to me personally for some time. i am accused of unoriginality and self absorption by this churlish fellow, to whom i reply;
hello dear friend, and welcome to MY blog, where it is indeed all about ME. forgive me if my life, my consciousness and my experience of the world at this time are fascinating to me. theres some pretty exciting shit going down. certain doors of perception have recently revealed themselves as standing open and the things i can see on the other side are new to me, and miraculous. i joyously share the sense of wonderment i feel at this with those who are not too jaded to appreciate it. ouchie, spiky! just because all the most exciting things that will ever happen to YOU already have, doesnt mean you have to get all cranky with those of us who are just getting started.
i welcome your intelligent comments, but perhaps you ought to reserve the bitter crotchetiness for your OWN site.
nice to see you again.

now back to me.
spring is a pretty old idea too, but it comes every year. i am astounded every time and i walk around pointing at all the popping, bursting growing stuff like nothing like it has ever been seen before. there are secrets in the hearts of flowers that will only be revealed to one who loves them unreservedly. and i do. i am about to state the obvious again.
its SPRING you guys!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amused, Am I
Wondering thoughtfully
Am I All or Sundry...

4:22 PM  

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