Sunday, May 29, 2005


see what i mean about being lazy? i guess not so much lazy as negligent of my readers. ok, i am lazy too. here is some poetry i wrote months ago. i hope it will appease you people who are griping at my irregular posting. some of you have read this.
i originally started this blog so as to have a place to put this stuff. then i stopped writing any poetry at all except for haiku. its good to have this old stuff around when i have nothing else to write here.
all the really interesting parts of my life just now are too much to talk about.
this is kind of anthemlike. it is not my very best, but a good introduction to my poems. it will come as a surprise to no one.

may the scary ugly things
find their light in me
and all thats dark and frightening
be beautified in me
let me hold my hatefulness aloft for all the world to see
a mirror
fear and sorrow
sing to me a soothing lullaby
and all the things that make me cry
a howling harmony
let the burning venom spurt
in gushing gouts across the page
until the rage and bitter hurt
have lost their power to engage my senses
and obsess me
searing whiplash sting
caress me down
loud haranguing anger drown
in bloody black ink tears
for here i find empowerment
not one more hour will be spent
twisting in the grip of fear
imprisoned by resentment
though i cant erase the harshness
i can dare to face the darkness
and silence not the screaming in my heart
but lay it bare
and listen to it singing low
and to its driving rhythm slowly dance
embracing shadow
making love to my nightmare


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could not have inked better myself.

2:02 PM  

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