Monday, February 06, 2006

You can tell I have been reading the bible a lot lately...

Babylon is writhing like a dancer
Babylon is stretched out like a victim for the slaughter
Girlchild in a tight red dress
Swollen scarlet promises
obscenities and blasphemies tatooed like bruises on her flesh
it drips with bloodred gems
and milky pearls
pumped full
of all the worlds abominations
her cup runs over
she is fed
the blood of the righteous
the flesh of the wicked
filling her throat
untill she is choking
drunk on her own degradation
stripped naked
pregnant with sin
despised by her children
enslaved by her lover
he waits to devour her
when everyone else has their fill
A scapegoat in golden chains
she rides high
on the horny beast
between her thighs
the shadow of innocence haunting her eyes
the harlot will fall hard
and we will be there to celebrate
her agony, we who hate
sin and lust
for the power to force her beneath us
and burn her as we burn
it will be our turn


Anonymous Anonymous said...

reads like a poem written by a christian. specifically, from a christian perspective.


12:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you cannot sedate all the things you hate.

You know, the High Inquisitor responsible for the torching of hundreds of peaceful people at Montsegur wrote similar prose..till he himself had a 'finger' pointed at him and was put under the Flame.

5:17 PM  
Blogger idnami said...

reads like a poem written by a christian. specifically, from a christian perspective
ummm, what a wierd thing to say. Did you miss how it is kind of satirical? Or did you think the last bit was seriously my own perspective? I kind of think it reads like a poem written by witch who read revelations and felt a little sorry for the Whore.
It is a statement about ... ah never mind. Who are you anyway?
I cant believe you just compared me to the high inquisitor.

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the shadow of innocence haunting her eyes
the harlot will fall hard

- Different Anon from above.

11:31 PM  
Blogger Nephilim said...
you may find my response, here

2:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah... that's beautiful...

It reminds me of something I watched last night, the premise being that if you warn people about their future, they will see to it that it happens. Not on a personal level, but on a global one. Warn them of impending war, and they will go to war to prempt it, etc...
I don't know how much stock I put in that line of thought, but your words seem to be from a Babylon that is crying out to the horrors we subject her to that we were all well warned of.
Some might muse that the powers that be in religious society endorse this downward spiral. Who would need to follow a spiritual leader in a perfectly peaceful and loving society?
Individuals should not take offense to this, I know plenty of loving, sincere religious folk who don't fit this accusation.

Anyway, that's what first came to mind after reading this. I may well be on a totally different track than you are.

But it's beautiful all the same.

7:15 AM  
Blogger idnami said...

Angadeon, thank you, you get it, thats awesome.
Scarlet, show yourself.
Anonymous #2, thank you for quoting my line, but what were your thoughts on it? What made that one stand out for you?

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I reread the poem again and i didn't really see the satire. Either i'm too feebleminded or your powers of subliminity are legendary.

Angadeon, you have hit the nail on the head!

Anon #1

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, speaking as a Christian with a definite Christian perspective, I would say that Mandi's take on the Whore of Babylon is certainly tangental from the more typical view in which the Whore is entirely unsympathetic.

The Whore of Babylon is a metaphor for the religion of the state: religion that has been misused - whored out - for the purposes of domination and heirarchy. Specifically, John the Divine is refering most likely to the religions and mystery cults of Rome that upheld the Roman imperial system, often at the expense of the Christian martyrs (also keep in mind that Judeo-Christianity, despite having become the Whore after Constantine, is a slave religion developed from the experience of the underclasses).

Generally speaking, amongst Christians, the Whore isn't regarded with much sympathy. Mandi's take on it isn't typically Christian, but it is interesting and not entirely unreasonable. The Whore isn't the active agent... While she is riding the Beast (the metaphoric representative of the state, or hierarchical, principle), she is owned by the Beast, whored out to it. Religion has been misused by the state, and takes all the blame for the state's crimes (which is what we found out when we separated church and state, religious violence came to an end but the state sure didn't miss a beat killing people).

So no... Mandi adds a new and provocative dimension onto it, but it isn't typically Christian.

9:45 PM  
Blogger idnami said...

I reread the poem again and i didn't really see the satire. Either i'm too feebleminded or your powers of subliminity are legendary.
Well, either of those are equally possible I suppose. They are kind of legendary, and people dont catch half of what I am saying most of the time. If you knew me you would see the satire, because I am really not much like a Christian at all.
As far as you being feebleminded, maybe, and snipingly arrogant and cowardly besides. Who are you? Perhaps at some point soon I will write aout a full artists statement about this poem for your exclusive benefit. Or maybe I will just post some more poetry so you can see what my writing is like and possibly deduce that I am not in fact any kind of religious fanatic, just a ball-withering bitch.
Thats if you stick around, of course.

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"at some point soon I will write aout a full artists statement about this poem for your exclusive benefit."

That will be adequate.


2:01 PM  

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