Monday, January 23, 2006

Jumping up on the Bandwagon

It is Election Day. I hate politics and couldnt be less interested in the government, and so this tends to be the day that I celebrate my democratic right to ignore both.
The shouts of "If you dont vote you cant complain about the goverment!" are deafening.
I have been hearing that since gradeschool. I did a skit about it for Girl Guides. And that seems to be what it all comes down to. We must vote so as to protect our cherished Canadian right to bitch about the government.
So I would first like to say that I am not particularly prone to complaining about the government, on account of my general policy of ignoring everything they do and hoping they will return the favor. However, even if I were, I would like to point out that I did not vote for traffic congestion or crappy weather, jealous boyfriends or my period, stupid people or natural disasters (though if a volcano were running Id vote for it, volcanoes are cool!).
I did not vote for brainless pop music or television that insults my intelligence. I did not vote for buses that come 3 minutes early so that you miss them even if you run. I did not vote for rude coffeeshop waitstaff.
However, these are but a few of the things that I feel perfectly entitled to mention in discussion, and if the fact that I dont like them amounts to a complaint, oh well. Does not voting mean I am not allowed to discuss the government, or that I must immediately end the discussion if it looks as if I may have something unpleasant to say? If the guy I did vote for wins but he turns out to suck, do I get to complain about that even though he was my choice?
It seems to me that the subject of the right to complain is a much more complex one that the voting nazis would have us believe, and so I think I will not allow them to bully me into not complaining about the government if I wanna. I will continue to excercise my right to completely ignore the entire process if I want.
That being said, Im voting Green, which is really less about who Im for than who Im against. Fucking Harper. there is an evil that must be stopped.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why vote green?

what in thier economically destructive, unrealistic & naive political platform do you find appealing?

did you get peerpressured into voting green?

they are just as bad as the conservatives in terms that they wish to impose their own particular beliefs and ideals upon everyone in the country.

the greens are thankfully a marginal political party who will never garner more than a pittance of votes.

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ten reasons to vote Green

1. I want to feel good about my vote. I want to vote for someone, not against someone.

2. The Green Party has the best platform.
The Green Party platform has earned positive reviews in the media, has done well under analysis by non-partisan organizations.

3. My great grandchildren will be proud of me.
I want them to have a sustainable future, a green economy, and better democracy.

4. I want my vote to have an impact on the legislative agenda of the next parliament.
MPs will spend the next session trying to look good for the next election, so they will be looking at who they lost votes to. Vote Green and Green priorities will set the agenda.

5. People are saying good things about the Green Party.

6. I am nobody’s fool. I refuse to let Martin, Harper, Layton or Duceppe think he can scare me into “strategically” voting for him just for not being the worst among them.

7. Green Parties around the world get elected, govern countries, and make the world a better place.

8. Whoever I vote for will get $ 1.75 in public funding, per vote, per year. I feel good about the Green Party putting it to good use defending my values.

9. I am socially progressive, fiscally responsible, and committed to environmental sustainability - just like the Green Party

10) One hundred and thirty nine years of Liberal and Conservative governments.
Albert Einstein said it best: “The significant problems of our time are not going to be solved by the same level of thinking that got us into them.”

PS Anonymous is a cop out.
If you have something to say with no blogger should still sign off...Or your a coward.

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seeing as how i wasnt talking to you D.melantha i need not explain my anonymous post to you, amusing name ur using btw,...are you a discordian?


Just because you posted some unqualified media release of green party propaganda which says 'the green party has the best platform' does not make it so.

in point 2 "non partisan organizations"..what non-partisan organizations are these?

"sustainable future" "green economy" "better democracy"...pretty words with no content to define or qualify those statements.

point 4 is an individual opinion with no evidence or real content.

in point 5..who are these so called 'people'? seems like an attempt to link the 'herd' mentality to a green party vote.

point 6 is a manipulative statement meant to provoke an emotional response

point 7 is not backed up by any evidence, as is most of those green party points

point 9 has no evidence to back it up the hype.

point 10 insidiously takes the qoute of an intelligent and famous person out of context and is applied to propagandize a green party platform.

i would venture to add that those so called '10 reasons' to vote are indicative of what the green party platform is...hollow, unqualified, manipulative, and amateur.

3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"hollow, unqualified, manipulative, and amateur."

I disagree. In fact, I disagree with your entire set of arguements.

First, your comment, "you posted some unqualified media release of green party propaganda" - This is untrue. It was produced and released by the official agent of the Green Party for the Green Party of Canada.

2. You asked, "what non-partisan organizations are these?"

The list is posted here

As a side note, I would remind you that "nonpartisan" refers to groups with no set political alligence.

"point 4 is an individual opinion with no evidence or real content."

Yes, that was the whole point of the statement. You are free to disagree with it. It is meant to highlight publicly held opinions shared by some, most or almost all of those who vote Green. I'm certain it isn't shared by all who chose to vote Green. It is, after all, only a list of the top ten reasons (there are more here by the way).

Think what you may; at least you are thinking.

Tell me, what do you think about the conservatives agenda of the environment? Or do you have one of those "Defend the West" bumper stickers on your pick up?

Maybe you just don't think that the environment is an issue?

Maybe you are unaware of sustainability as it applies to business and economics?

Maybe you would prefer to see the Gay marriage legislation struck down?

Maybe you would prefer to see Canadian troops sent to Iraq?

I don't know, but I can't see one good reason to vote for any of the other parties - and I have a list of 28 reasons to vote for the Green Party including #28 which is, "I want to Make Poverty History; so do all 308 Green Party candidates."

I fail to see this on any other party platform.

I really appreciate that the Green Party is active globally (information here.

But, I suspect, what you really disagree with is point #20, "I believe in my local Green Party candidate."

I don't beleive in the conservative, liberal, NDP or action candadite in my riding. Not one bit.

Anyone care to take on the other points s/he had issue with?

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I did not vote for traffic congestion or crappy weather, jealous boyfriends or my period, stupid people or natural disasters (though if a volcano were running Id vote for it, volcanoes are cool!).
I did not vote for brainless pop music or television that insults my intelligence. I did not vote for buses that come 3 minutes early so that you miss them even if you run. I did not vote for rude coffeeshop waitstaff.

Brainless pop music - You vote by not purchashing it.

Television that insults your intelligence - You vote for it by not watching it.

Rude waitstaff - You vote by not tipping, not visiting, or by complaining.

Late busses - You vote for your local municiple councilor with a platform for fixing the transit debacle/circus in your city.

crappy weather, jealous boyfriends, your period, stupid people or natural disasters - Now there's some good examples, but I'm sure we could hammer out some way that voting could have an effect on them eg. crappy weather (Global warming).

jealous boyfriends and the rest... um... I'm stumped. Anyone?

10:19 PM  
Blogger Nephilim said...

you dump them....

11:19 PM  
Blogger Nephilim said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:37 PM  
Blogger Nephilim said...

Let me first start off by saying, out of ten years of political activism, I have learnt that our vote makes not a damn bit of difference anyway...
1. because Quebec and Ontario hold the largest seats.
2. because Governments are naturally corrupt, I have yet to meet one person who voted Liberal in the last election.

Carrying on....
Why vote green?

Let me tell you why...
Because first and foremost, in ten years of political activism, the Green Party was the first ever to actually respond to my emails and writing, in a non standard form.
Each and every email I have written to them has been personally answered point for point.
This makes this party accountable to their voters, approachable, and willing to work with their people.
This holds a big part of my sway right there.
Secondly, they are the only party to have wholly committed to the Make Poverty History Campaign. Abolishment of Aids, more and better trade, yadda yadda.
The wish to see further education, making it more accessible, children of underpaid families being able to access programs and brought to the best that they are.
Even more important, they want to see these steps made right here in Canada, not just foreign nations.
Third, they want to do something about the root causes of our health concerns, not some bubblegum gloss, and are highly supportive of Alternative Health, such as Metaphysical and Natural means, which do work. And also is what my job is.
They wish to make health care accessible to everyone, everytime, and they want to start addressing some of the issues responsible for the declining health of the people in our country.
Fourth, because they care about the environment, the wildlife and our natural resources...and if this is something you don't care about, then that is fine, in ten years, when we no longer have the oxygen to support ourselves, the ecosystems neccesary to maintain life, provide food, and much needed medicine, as well as children being born with cancer, birth defects and/or aids...we will have only ourselves to blame.
Fifth, many of the people involved with the Green Party are activists like me, who were sick of the bullying and bullshit and said, hey let's try something completely different, let's form a political party, and then try to fight them at their own game. Not a bunch of pencil pushers who sit around inventing fun things to say, while trying to cover the billions of dollars of real canadian money being stolen, and sucking Bush's dick in the privacy of their highly over paid, and inaccessable offices.
And finaly, if you always do what you've always done, then you will always get what you have always gotten...after 125 years of a liberal/conservative Canada, I want something more then the same.
That is why.

As to the peer pressure comment...hmmm, less then 1 seat in the house of commons doesn't illicit a very high peer pressure rate, does it?
Perhaps that is more of a liberal/conservative tactic, when we look at the seats.

I have voted, written right on my ballot, non-confidence in our Canadian Government, for most of the elections that have happened since my coming of age...this was how I dealt with the voting nazis, not a one could then say I didn't vote, and my opinion has not much changed. We have the exact same system as we did 500 years ago when it was a monarchy, it has just been repackaged, and glossed over in my opinion. So there really isn't much a point I agree with M there.
However, if I must choose one, it is definetly green, even if anonymous wishes to pressure us away!

11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Green PArty's health platform was best outlined in the review the CMA (Canadian Medical Association) put together. I really appreciate the fact that they are looking at what they are proposing to do in terms of preventative medicine, healthy and natural choices, as well as active living programs. Their environmental platform is tops. Applying the principles of sustainability to an economy is excellent. Their proposal for meeting the Kyoto agreement and then moving beyond it make good sense not only for citizens of Earth, but also the businesses of Earth. They also agree with more accountability for government.

I have also been impressed with the non-standard and personal replies to my emails, including an offer to go for beer with the candadite in my riding.

6:58 AM  
Blogger Nephilim said...

Yes, I agree, I too have been invited for a drink...lmao

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

strixy -

thanks for the green links.

however, i wouldnt consider greenpeace or labour associations entirely non partisan.
it was also notable that no economic groups were included in that list.
many medical associations.

Maybe you just don't think that the environment is an issue?

i do consider it an issue. one among many, and a priority. energy conservation, alternate energy sources, mass transit, efficient technologies, invention and innovation, trade in enviromental tech, and others are all important to me. The Liberals have not done very well at this, and the Conservatives dont seem to be making a priority of it.
But the environmental issue has to be balanced with economic stability.
In all i think the Liberals were although very slowly taking the right approach. For not only is the environment a federal issue, its also a provincial, municiple and individual concern, not something that should just be imposed by Federal Government legistlation. Except in terms of NAFTA. NAFTA is dangerous to the canadian envirnment in terms of multinational corporations having access to canadian resource developement, and reparations for damages done could be seen as a cost of business for these corporations, but that is were federal legislation would be key. Energy production, Oil and Gas Extraction and Processing, and Mining are three of the most envirnmentally damaging economic sectors. Yet they are also the backbone of our export economy and provide jobs and economic stability.
Its tough to balance these with environmental concerns, but imo i thought the Liberals have done fairly well.

Maybe you would prefer to see the Gay marriage legislation struck down?

no i wouldn't. i don't find that issue a big concern. it's a social issue of individual canadians. i don't think it promotes a gay lifestyle, only legitmises it with tax incentives.

Maybe you would prefer to see Canadian troops sent to Iraq?

there were no Canadian troops in Iraq, last i heard.
They are in AFGANISTAN.


Nephilim -

that's nice the green party gave you personal responses to your emails.
i suppose that may amount to a type of accountability. email accountability that is. ;)

Make Poverty History is a notable cause.
The Liberals have recently made, in kelowna i might add, a deal to help first nations poverty.

Abolishment of AIDS

Abolishment of AIDS within canadian soveriegn borders is improbable, control and minimization of infection rates are achievable.

Alternative Health, such as Metaphysical and Natural means, which do work

An increase in Federal health funding is a good idea. Less federal control over how the $$$ is spent may also be good. But that is to be seen in how the Federal health $$$ are allocated by the Provicial Governemtns within their borders.
A Provincial governemt could allocate money to alternate health care.
My point is that a federal government should not be solely responsible for deliniating where the federal health tax $$$ should be spent in the provinces.
As for declining health of our population, that is an individuals responsibility to take care of their own health not the federal government.
sure if a person gets sick, i am canadian, i agree we should look out for one another and help them with medical costs but ultimately a person has to look after themselves and thiers first and foremost.

as for your fifth point, activism is fine, calling our politicians pencil pushers is not entirely inaccurate, parliment is about discussion and voting on legislation.

billions of dollars...being stolen

that is an absurd and unfounded accusation.
perhaps a greatly exaggerated claim about the gromery inquiry?

i can understand the appeal of voting green. they have a very utopian platform. it would be wonderful if it were achievable.
however it is unrealistic.
the economics don't add up.
it appears they want to give away loads of money to health, education and the envirnment, while hamstringing the resource and business economy.

I've got internet friends in many nations all over the world. Britain, Romania, Belgium, New Zealand, Russia, Australia, United States, Japan, Mexico, Lebanon, and others.
From political discussions with them they admire where our nation is at politically in many ways.
In terms of corruption in canadian politics, yes there is some but nothing like the horror stories i've heard about many of these other nations.
the Liberal government of the last decade or so has provided our nation with a stability to be proud of.
Sure there are things that could be fixed but those things that need fixing are being addressed.
perhaps not quickly enough but nations government to remain stable economically does not make radical rapid changes which lead to economic instability, joblosses, and more poverty from an increase in cost of living due to devaluation of a nations currency and inflation on imported products.

Change is important. Important in all things. Change is Stability. But when there is a nations people at stake, my nation, my canada, i want my government to tread carefully, cautiously, intelligently and with a balanced political viewpoint.

I voted Liberal in Regina/Wascana, Ralph Goodale.

one last thing,

I have learnt that our vote makes not a damn bit of difference

i disagree with this. perhaps in the current electoral system it may seem so but each vote does make a difference to the finances of the party and the morale of the individual you voted for. plus you do what you think is right by execising your democratic right within the electoral system.

i did like the part of the NDP's platform of legistlating a change to the electoral process by enacting proportional representation.
which would tend to elect minority goverments in a party system. i think this is healthy politically since a nation of divisive viewpoints on political agenda should have to work together to move the government forward on any form of legistlation and would tend to be more centrist.
plus the green party did capture a large percentage of the popular vote. likely the green party would have a federal politician within the government under a PR electoral system.

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

M, you have the best commenters. :)
I'd like to cross-post this discussion to my own blog if you don't mind.
Meanwhile, I'll go back to reading up and formulating my own response.

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*WARNING: This response is loaded with opinion, the author of which will do little or nothing to back up with verifiable fact. Use your own intuition/judgement.*

"what in thier economically destructive, unrealistic & naive political platform do you find appealing?"

For me, the fact that they are more focused on the environment than federal or global economics is a big plus. As a race, we have been so caught up with advancing our own comfort that we've thrown tons upon tons of crap all over our home while stripping her ability to compensate through the loss of forests, weakened ocean recyclability, etc...
*thoughts float slowly off-topic*
I won't go as far in that direction as I want to right now.
Regardless, we bury our heads in the sand when it comes to the damage we are doing to our planet in the hopes that if we can just push our advancements farther we'll find the golden egg that makes all our economic and environmental worries go away forever.
Maybe it'll happen and maybe it won't. But the Green party at least gives me reason to believe that they would like to find a balance between our ambitions and a sustainable environment while we work on it.
Granted, if you know me, wadding in my own filthy wealth with a job in Oil&Gas, you'll wonder about my sincerity. I realize the hypocracy in my words.

"they want to do something about the root causes of our health concerns, not some bubblegum gloss, and are highly supportive of Alternative Health, such as Metaphysical and Natural means, which do work."

I completely back the Green party on this point. The Haitians hold the belief that no illness or disease 'just happens'. You don't just catch a cold, some part of your spiritual/mental self let its guard down to allow you to catch that cold. The medical fields all need to start working closer together and learn to understand one another, physical/mental/spiritual alike. Every practicing medical doctor is aware of the placebo effect. And yet they still insist on perscribing all kinds of drug therapy for things that perhaps the patient should find safer alternative ways to deal with. Believe me or not, I have a friend who cured her own cancer after it was diagnosed and confirmed by more than one doctor. She did that by returning to herself, taking control of her own health on all levels. We need health care that will support that kind of healthy choice.

"i agree we should look out for one another and help them with medical costs but ultimately a person has to look after themselves and thiers first and foremost."

Agreed, but with the current divisivness in our medical community far too many people go to their doctor get their perscription and go home. They simply aren't aware of the healthier alternatives, and their 'doctor' more-often-than-not is not going to suggest any. That said, yes, everyone should be accountable for the suffering they put their own bodies through.

"I have learnt that our vote makes not a damn bit of difference"

Last nights election showed only about 2/3's(?) of Canadians valid votes were cast. And while to many people (myself included) the Big Four don't hold a lot of appeal, that's no reason not to voice your opinion. Sure there was VERY little chance of not being either Lib or Con. But suppose every disillusioned non-voter had gone out and made their statement? Either by voting Communist, Green or simply declaring a non-vote. Think of how different the campaign would have been this time around if there were solid numbers to back up how many Canadians are upset with the whole damn system. They don't see that. They see a blank that could be filled with all kinds of speculation and promptly pay it no attention.

"jealous boyfriends and the rest... um... I'm stumped. Anyone?"

The only one I'm gonna touch there is natural disasters. It is my personal opinion that if people were more in tune with their own selves (mind/body/soul), their neighbors and the entire world around them then natural disasters would no longer be disasters. I don't mean that volcanoes would cease to erupt. I mean that we would be more aware that she's about to hiccup and kindly step to the side while she does so. It has been suggested that a collective conciousness would be powerful enough to actually prevent such things by effecting change on a global scale. And I agree with that to an extent. Tho our 'modern society' has been moving away from that direction for so long... it's almost inconceivable to most.

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"there were no Canadian troops in Iraq, last i heard. They are in AFGANISTAN. "

Yes they are in Afghanistan.

In 2003, however, it was Harper who was pushing to get Canadian troops into Iraq along side US troops. A position he has since recanted, but for how long? Here is a link outlining Harpers flip-flop on Iraq.

Same thing on the position of gay marriage. Harper and the Con's have been opposed to same sex marriage from the beginning. There is concern that his new cabinet will revisit the issue with a free vote in commons and attempt to strike the law down.

"however, i wouldnt consider greenpeace or labour associations entirely non partisan."

I don't consider Greenpeace - period - but I follow your argument. Of course, you could then extend that logic to argue that I, myself, am a partisan opinion on the issue simply because I voted.

This leaves only those who did not vote as the only true nonpartisan voice in a democratic society.

Which brings us back to M's original topic.

9:00 PM  
Blogger Nephilim said...


But suppose every disillusioned non-voter had gone out and made their statement?

Would they be heard? That is the question.
I do not disagree, that we are lucky to live in Canada, as opposed to many of far worse living conditions politically and economically as well.
In Bc, I work and live amongst extreme Canadian Poverty.
It sucks, and is disheartening.
What is even more disheartening, is the fact that this issue is often sidestepped, and ignored, and swept under the rug.
Perhaps if every Canadian did speak out there would be a difference. Perhaps not.
Perhaps, if when these Canadians chose to speak out, they were truly allowed the freedom and forum to do so, they would be more likely to cast their vote.
Now, tho you may say, that it is not so, and you may choose to believe it...
I have undergone the harassment and degredation of our Liberal Gov't and I know many others who have as well. I am also old enough to know that the problem did not just originate with the liberals...I am aware of the issues with governments before.
People who lost their jobs and their homes and their children...because they had a right to exercise their voices and they used it.
It is easy to give up and have no interest in the system...
Granted, to be sure, there are worse Countries to live, with far, far scarier conditions to live in, but this isn't a worse country is it?
This is Canada. And it is BS that any Canadian Citizen should be treated these ways.
Just ask Marc Emory how he feels...Or how about Michelle Rainy.
Or my 9 year old son, who spent the last month walking down the street, stopping strangers and saying, "Don't vote for Paul Martin, he is a crook who will take our futures away"
A Government that is no longer accountable to the people, that is what has gone on.
Is our new Conservative leaders going to change that?
When faced with so many jack asses for political leaders, and so much hypocricy, I cannot say I blame those who do not vote.
I think they ARE voting in their own way...I think they are saying this system is so screwed I cannot even bother to give it my attention at all.

plus you do what you think is right by execising your democratic right within the electoral system.

I do not believe we are so democratic as one may think. I think that statement is BS propaganda endorsing feeling better about oneself for not doing anything about the lip service we are being paid to begin with...

PS, all my posts come with angadeon's warning.....

*WARNING: This response is loaded with opinion, the author of which will do little or nothing to back up with verifiable fact. Use your own intuition/judgement.*

I like it

9:32 PM  
Blogger Nephilim said...


An increase in Federal health funding is a good idea. Less federal control over how the $$$ is spent may also be good. But that is to be seen in how the Federal health $$$ are allocated by the Provicial Governemtns within their borders.

I catch your point, here, however, when a Provincial Government is behaving in an abusive fashion towards it's Province, and the Province is in outcry and protesting in the streets, then there should be some responsibility placed upon the Government at a federal level to do something about that situation.

"declining health of our population, that is an individuals responsibility to take care of their own health not the federal government."

While agreeing that everyone should be accountable to the suffering they put their own bodies through, same as angadeon, how about the suffering they are not putting their bodies through.
Just how about the suffering inflicted on an environmental level, or with declining preventitive care, or with jet streams and exhaust, and carcinogens in the salmon, and the pollution and toxic waste, and destruction of nature.
How about the erosion of health due to stress factors by the working class, the poor, the elderly and the disabled?

Or how about the mistakes made by overworked doctors and nurses?
Or how about the people without proper medical care who cannot afford the medicine they need.
How is it you are suggesting they take care of themselves...They gave all their money for the taxes to sustain the services they aren't recieving.

Don't tell me they do not exist, I know them personally.

But again this does boil down to my above point and Government accountability. I agree.

In reference specifically to the Green Party:
"it appears they want to give away loads of money to health, education and the envirnment, while hamstringing the resource and business economy."

I believe one could easily provide these things, by cutting back tax breaks and corporate welfare to the big banks/corporations/oil companies....
Especially considering the little known fact that our Social Security Net counts for less then 5% of our deficit, and less then 5% of Canadian Tax Money is used to sustain it.
Interestingly enough that is not well advertised when governments cut money from these programs claiming they can no longer afford them. After all who would have the guts to stand in front of Canada, and say legitimetly "I want to propose taking this money away for no particular reason, since it is going to do nothing I am promising anyway."

"the Liberal government of the last decade or so has provided our nation with a stability to be proud of."

You know, that is just what I was thinking over the course of the last five years, in my run down, white trash slum house that was rotting around me and my four children, going hungry again so that they could eat, and visiting my friends on the hill of over 150 homeless families tenting in the Okanagan Valley, watching my relatives decay from inaccessible health care, while my son missed two weeks of school because the teachers dared to protest the fact that our last text books were purchased in 1998.
Especially when I turned around and saw my orchardist friends driven bankrupt, and my Rancher friends loose everything they owned, while my political allies, activists for human rights issues were all thrown in jail.

My how proud I am of Liberal sustainability.

"Sure there are things that could be fixed but those things that need fixing are being addressed."

I see this kinda like putting a bandaid on an amputated leg.
But hey what can I say.
Although I do agree, if left to run another full term, the Liberals would have begun to clean the mess they had made of things, if only because the threat of a non-confidence vote, and legal action dogged them.

"Change is important. Important in all things. Change is Stability. But when there is a nations people at stake, my nation, my canada, i want my government to tread carefully, cautiously, intelligently and with a balanced political viewpoint."

While there is something to be said, for thinking before you act, and being aware of possible consequences for your actions, I see a country which is headed for disaster...I think it needs some fresh new blood and a good shake up to awaken it from an old aeon that has become out dated and restricting personally...
That is my vote!

10:12 PM  
Blogger idnami said...

Holy crap, I didnt think anyone even read this any more. I came expecting to see maybe one comment.
Politics is sucha lively subject, too bad I will probably never raise it again.
I already forgot there was an election. Who won anyway?
I was interested in what angadeon was saying about the differnt ways it is possible to consent (or not) to things like illness nad suchlike. It is a great point because I do believe that in a very real way we do vote for every aspect of our lives, we do create our own reality. It almost stopped me from publishing that post to begin with because it invalidated everything I said, but then I realized I hadnt posted anything in 3 weeks and I thought, eh, what the hell, see if anyone notices.
Silly me.
More on the fascinating topic of the power to shape reality later.
But you will not hear another peep on governemntal politics from me. Boringissimo.

11:55 PM  
Blogger Duilliath Siondrake said...

if people in general and small communities took care of stuff themselves we wouldn't have to vote..there would be no polititions and no political system...ahhh wonderful thought :)

8:51 AM  
Blogger iyelli said...

angadeon said Last nights election showed only about 2/3's(?) of Canadians valid votes were cast. And while to many people (myself included) the Big Four don't hold a lot of appeal, that's no reason not to voice your opinion. Sure there was VERY little chance of not being either Lib or Con. But suppose every disillusioned non-voter had gone out and made their statement? Either by voting Communist, Green or simply declaring a non-vote. Think of how different the campaign would have been this time around if there were solid numbers to back up how many Canadians are upset with the whole damn system. They don't see that. They see a blank that could be filled with all kinds of speculation and promptly pay it no attention.

That is one of the points I consistantly use when explain my views on voting and why is is important. I wonder too, as I haven't yet viewed any voter demographic info for this election how much of the 4% voter increase may have come from younger Canadians who might have had that very fact brought up by their peers.

M said But you will not hear another peep on governemntal politics from me. Boringissimo.

Somehow I don't see it as "boringissimo" when this response has been sparked, but it is your journal after all :)

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 3 easiest topics to spark comments are politics, religion and relationships. I avoid all three on my blog as I don't much care for moderating comments. It takes too much time and energy. While I would be affable to putting a lot of time and energy into writing about all of the above, I can't be bothered to baby sit comment trolls. So I tend to comment on those topics here and a couple of other places where someone else takes the responsibility I am too lazy to take.

Thank you M.

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


the conservatives won and form a minority government.
politics like many subjects with nuances of marcosocietal intrigue and diabolism in the plot appeals to an individuals global ambitions.
some find that stimulating to talk about, i do.
we could talk about where you mentioned not voting for "jealous boyfriends or my period"
....or not...


a societal consciousness tangent eh.
it should be questioned whether could such a thing could already be shaping political structure.
a political egregore made up of the cumalative psychic imprint of a nations citizens should already exist positing that there is a collective psyche.

anyhow, ego conscious awareness is not necessary for and individual to contribute a psychic imprint upon the nations collective political egregore{NCPE} in the aethyrscape which influences political positions.

to the federal natural resources departments of forests and oceans and lakes{fisheries}. sure legistlation may be mandated in these departments, international trade and such. those resources are more effienciently regionally managed.
forestry roads, oil and gas,leases and such are better managed by provinces.
waste disposal and processing being a provincial and municple issue could be legistlated to conform to a national regulation but enforcement, prosecution, and corrections has costs. making tighter regulations has envirnmental benefits, business costs go up to conform to new federal standards, cost of living increases.

at to the non voters and getting through their angst and apathy and off getting them off their ass to go vote ...
i've always wondered what would be the result if voting was madatory. legislate it for federal elections.
..and what would the result be, maybe the ballot could have 'abstain' on it, so chronic cynics can have an out to vote. ;)


People who lost their jobs and their homes and their children

i'm not sure what you are implying the federal government do about this. even if the federals create a national standard of living. The provinces still administer social services.
could poverty be declared a national disater?
move homeless people into federally controlled camps?
i don't like the sound of what may be implyed.
federal income taxes are a high.
In Harper's victory speech he mentioned a national child care income tax credit.
which while sounding promising to people who have money to spend in child care to get the credit, it should result in a reduction in useage of public child care and education facilities.
but having money to save money doesnt help those without the money to invest in the tax return.
kinda like an employment incentive for a two income family.
pro's and con's to that.
and employement is not that hard to find if a person is willing to make sacrifices in personal standards.
child welfare is regulated and admistered by the provincial governments with help from federal funding.
should funding be increased?

by cutting back tax breaks and corporate welfare to the big banks/corporations/oil companies

i agree Federal Income Tax changes would be a good method of influencing changes to the economy in terms of the environment and business practises.
federal money for business does help stabalize the economy, import export, particularly in manufacturing. Auto industry.

Green tech imo, is a canadian industry that should be invested with federal cash.

Or my 9 year old son,... "Don't vote for Paul Martin, he is a crook who will take our futures away"

amusing precociousness.

the only voters the voted directly for Paul Marting were in his federal riding.
but anyhow...i'm not a huge fan of Paul Martin as PM but i think he did well during his brief run.

imo, national defence should have gone with the US on the missle defence initiative in exchange for pulling canadian troop regulars out of Afganistan.
although i imo Canadian special forces should still conduct intelligence and special combat missions in regions of active warfare.
i've got my gripes with Paul Martins leadership as well.
Severe corruption, if something does eventually stick it will show.
he's resigning as leader and i think that is good.
New leadership was needed.
I like the idea of leadersy Michael Ignatieff or Belinda Stonach, for many different reasons.


Duilliath -

if people in general and small communities took care of stuff themselves we wouldn't have to vote..there would be no polititions and no political system

are you suggesting a type of democratic anarchy? ;D

- Scarlet S.

3:08 PM  
Blogger Duilliath Siondrake said...

Dear Scarlett...

Let loose the dogs of war..LOL
Indeed..i am

4:04 PM  
Blogger idnami said...

So kind of a tribal thing, Duilliath? How would you handle global relations?
Hi Scarlet, good to see you.

5:36 PM  
Blogger Duilliath Siondrake said...

Very much a tribal sort of thing.
Global relatons could be handled by travelling men of peace (NOT polititions). I mean 'come on', this political 'system' has remained Unchanged since it's birth in sumeria some 5000 years! Let's scrap it and do something new for F@#$% sake..:)

11:24 AM  
Blogger Duilliath Siondrake said...

This particular has been dead for thousands of years now and yet we 'still' continue to 'beat' it..

11:27 AM  
Blogger Duilliath Siondrake said...

particular 'horse' that is....sorry

11:28 AM  

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