Sunday, July 24, 2005

light and dark

omigod dave.
so i write 4 pages worth of blah blah blog about this trip and he only comments on what i failed to mention! grrrrr!
so fine, couple of cool things i missed before.
during the final song, which was a very gentle, pretty folk song about sweet smelling summer days, there was this 2 year old kid hopping and playing around right in front of the stage. he seemed completely oblivious to the people watching him and what a perfect little scf poster child he was, kicking up the dust and scampering around, looking all cute.
i bet his parents trained him all year long to do that. i bet they stayed up late into the night perfecting his jaunty little prance. i bet that was no kid at all but a midget with 25 years experience in technique acting. thats how totally perfect it was.
the other cool thing, weird and creepy, but very cool, was when the tattooed druid guy pulled out a cloth picture of several men and women standing around a little village, who did not look very happy. it was made (he said) from bits of the clothes of a whole village of people who had vanished "mysteriously" when their land was desired by the government in some tiny latin country, i forget which one. the people have simply embroidered faces which seem to glare accusingly, and embroidered across the picture are the words "¿quién recuerda a gente desaparecida?"
who remembers the disappeared people?
their french-knotted eyes haunt me still.
also i have just looked up the word "eunoia" and have learned that it does not, as i was told, mean "beautiful thinking". in fact it is a little used psychiatric term meaning a normal and healthy mental state.
whatever. what the hell is a normal and healthy mental state anyway? i think it would be a remarkably blessed way to be if one could attain it. it seems like state of beautiful awareness to me. so regardless of correct usages, that is a hell of a word and i am going to try even harder now to bring it into vogue. everyone use that word now, you guys! instead of being paranoid, be eunoid! cultivate a eunoiac state. it seems to imply having ones mind functioning to process awareness, free of conditioned overemphasis of one part or viewpoint at the expense of the whole.
do that, you guys. all, like, 5 of you or whatever that read this. try it out, both the word and the state. share your experinces with this experiment.
you know i will.


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