Tuesday, February 28, 2006

dead man rocking

Ladies and gentlemen, I am a lousy blogger.
It has been an entire WEEK since dead man's wheelchair and have I told my adoring public anything about it? No. Bad bad lazy me. I cant bring myself to write much at all these days it seems, but today I am unemployed and supposed to be looking for work, and since I would rather do almost anything else, I thought this would be a good time to write my report.
Can I get a hell yeah? Fucking wow did it ever go well.
Besides the amazing fact that nearly all my artists showed up, (and only one deserted before their performance, and did so only after saving my band's part of the show by going to pick up all the gear on a snowy, awful night) they each did an amazing job. They didnt all do what they were expected to, but I am the last person who is going to get on people for being unexpected. It was great.
There was burlesque and bellydance and the awesomest dj, the incomparable Jynx .

I crumpled each of my poems into a ball and threw them at the audience (which was a very nice size) when I was done reading them. Only one other poet read but he was amazing, this old irish guy with a beautiful voice, named Ed.

I got all painted up
and sang some songs with winston. Video of one song is available, though you cant see much. People let me know if you want to arrange to see it.

That and Rhean's delightful ongoing performance art piece

look close

yes those are red sequins

yes they are being sewn to her skin

were the highlights. After the show I was approached by a band manager who has already booked us for another show. Details to come.
It was SO awesome you guys!


Blogger Duilliath Siondrake said...

That sounds so sweet
I wish i could've been there
Congrats Mandyl;)

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrajulations SiStar....
pulling down the walls
takin too long
it would seem
but it is all perfectly on time
your star is shining, rising....
just when the lights appear to be going out....
enter into the darkness.....
which illusions will illustrate our future.....
and you just keep on doing your thing a midst the chaos of it all.... tis good....

4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrajulations SiStar....
pulling down the walls
takin too long
it would seem
but it is all perfectly on time
your star is shining, rising....
just when the lights appear to be going out....
enter into the darkness.....
which illusions will illustrate our future.....
and you just keep on doing your thing a midst the chaos of it all.... tis good....

4:27 PM  

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